Visa issuance for foreign investor

Reference situation:

X Company (based in Germany) is investing in Vietnam through A company. X authorized Mr. B (Swiss nationality) to be the legal representative of A and the person managing 100% of X’s equity in A. X would like to consult lawyers about the type of visa for B to enter Vietnam. 

Our legal advice:

1. Legal eligibility for visa issuance

Under Article 10 of Law on  entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014, a foreigner must be eligible for the following conditions to enter Vietnam:

  • Having a passport or a laissez-passer 
  • Is invited or sponsored by an organization, an agency or an individual in Vietnam, with some exceptional cases
  • Not subject to the cases on which the foreigners are not be entered 
  • Having one of the following documents evidencing entry’s purpose:  

a) A document on the investment of the foreigner in Vietnam under Law on Investment

b) A license of a foreign lawyer practicing in Vietnam under Law on Lawyers;

c) A work permit of a foreigner who works in Vietnam under the Labour Code;

d) A written acceptance of a school or an educational institution in Vietnam if a foreigner studies in Vietnam

2. Type of visa

According to B’s entry purpose, B will be issued a visa with the symbol as “ĐT” for “foreign investors in Vietnam

Please click here to refer to the procedures for visa issuance

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