Conditions for establishment and operation of preschool in Vietnam applicable to foreign-invested enterprise

Foreign-invested preschool is one type education establishment of education system in Vietnam. Under Appendix 4 on list of conditional business lines enclosed in Law No. 03/2016/QH14, preschool service is a conditional one. Therefore,  preschool of foreign-invested enterprise need to meet the following conditions to be able to be established and operated:

1. Investment capital

Pursuant to Article 35.1 of Decree No. 86/2018 /ND-CP, an investment project to establish a preschool should have investment rate of at least VND 30 million per child (excluding land use expenses).

2. Location of preschool

According to Article 1.2 of Decree No. 135/2018 /ND-CP and Article 27.2 of Decision No. 14/2008/QD-BGDT, the location of preschool shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Being located in a residential area where safety and environmental sanitation are guaranteed and is convenient for children to go to school; and

(2) Average area of the preschool must be at least08 m2 per child for urban areas and towns or 12 m2 per child for rural areas.

3. Requirements for material facilities and equipment

– General requirements:

(1) Construction work shall ensure design standards and environmental sanitation regulations;

(2) Arrangement of construction work need to ensure the independence between teaching area and service area, ensure safety and education requirements for each age group, and ensure emergency exit in case of incidents fire protection system; and

(3) Construction work should ensure access to use for children with disabilities.

– Specific requirements: Common room, bedroom, toilet, play ground; physical education room, art education room or multi-function room; kitchen area; office, management board room, administrative room, health room, security room, staff room shall meet corresponding conditions as prescribed in Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP, Decree No. 46/2017/ND-CP, Decree No. 135/2018/ND-CP, Decision No. 14/2008/QD-BGDDT and Circular No. 09/2015/TT-BGDĐT.

4. Educational program

Article 37 of Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP stipulates that:

– The educational program of a foreign-invested preschool shall show educational objectives, does not contain contents that are detrimental to national defense and security, community interests, spread religion, distort national history; does not adversely affect Vietnamese culture, morality, traditions and customs; and shall ensure linkage between all educational levels and training levels.

– The foreign-invested preschool may chose the two following educational programs:

+ Vietnam’s education program in accordance with law of Vienam;

+ Foreign education program; or Minister of Education and Training shall prescribe compulsory education and training contents for Vietnamese children studying at foreign-invested preschools.

5. Structure of classes

Under Article 38.2 of Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP, the number of children per class is as follows:

– Children from 03 months to 12 months: 15 children per class;

– Children from 13 months to 24 months: 20 children per class;

– Children from 25 months to 36 months: 25 children per class.

– Children from three to four years old : 25 children per class;

– Children from  four to five years old: 30 children per class;

– Children from five to six years old: 35 children per class.

Each class has no more than 02 (two) children with disabilities.

6. Personnel

According to Article 38 of Decree No. 86/2018 / ND-CP; Article 16, Article 17 of Decision No. 14/2008/QD-BGDDT and Article 1 of Circular No. 05/2011/TT-BGDDT, personnel at of a preschool shall satisfy the following conditions:

• Conditions for principal

– Having graduated from intermediate or higher in preschool pedagogy, having at least 5 years of continuous work in preschool education;

– Having completed training program for managers; and

– Having a good reputation in terms of politics, ethics, lifestyle, professional; having capable of organizing and managing and having a good health.

• Conditions for vice principal

– Having graduated from intermediate or higher in preschool pedagogy, having at least 3 years of continuous work in preschool education; and

– Having a good reputation in terms of politics, ethics, lifestyle, professional; having capable of organizing and managing and having a good health.

• Condition for teachers and other staff

– For teachers: Having graduated from intermediate or higher in preschool pedagogy;

– For medical staffs, accountants: Having graduated from intermediate or higher in accordance with theirs assigned speciality; and

– For cashier, librarian, filing clerk, cook and security guard: Having participated in professional training.

After preparing and fully meeting the mentioned-above conditions, foreign-invested enterprise shall carry out procedures to request competent state agencies to permit establishment and operation of the preschool.


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