Required licenses for karaoke business

A question from a Bizlawyer’s client: “I have a need for opening a karaoke bar. I have researched and know (that) this is a conditional business line. Could Bizlawyer advise me what I need to do to carry out this business?

Thank you for trusting and sending your question to Bizlawyer. Bizlawyer would like to give advice for conditions on doing karaoke business as follows:

According to Appendix No. 04 of the 2014 Investment Law which regulates the List of conditional investment industries, karaoke service business is a conditional business line. In order to do this business legally, pursuant to Decree No. 54/2019/NĐ-CP, you need to register an enterprise or a household business; then you need to perform procedures for applying for a karaoke service business license. The karaoke service provider needs to satisfy security and order conditions and obtain a certificate proving its eligibility for security and order. It also satisfies enough conditions on fire prevention and fighting and obtain a record proving its eligibility for fire fighting and prevention. Bizlawyer will help you to have better understanding about these licenses which you need to carry out this business.

1. Business License for karaoke business

In order to be granted a karaoke service business license, you will submit applications to the department of culture of the provincial People’s Committee by post or online. The applications comprise of:

  • An application proposal for the karaoke service business license;
  • A legally valid copy of  or a copy attached to its original document of Certificate of security and order eligibility

In case the applications are not valid, within 01 working day after receiving the applications, the licensing agency shall issue a document to request supplementation of the applications. In case the applications are valid, within 05 working days, the licensing agency shall check the applications, conduct an on-site inspection and grant the business license for karaoke business. In case of refusal to grant it, the licensing agency shall issue a document clearly stating the reason.

2. Certificate of security and order eligibility 

According to Article 19 of Decree No. 96/2016/NĐ-CP, District-level police authority shall grant the certificate of security and order eligibility. You need to prepare the following applications:

  • An application for Certificate of security and order eligibility;
  • A copy of  Enterprise Registration Certificate, a copy of Operation Registration Certificate or a copy of Investment Registration Certificate
  • Valid copy(ies) of documents proving the eligibility for fire fighting and prevention with regard to locations and warehouses
  • The curriculum vitae enclosed with the Criminal record statement or Individual declaration of the person in charge of security and order of the business establishment. He must not be one of the subjects as stated in Clause 2 Article 7 of Decree No. 96/2016/NĐ-CP

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The limit period for issuance of a Certificate of security and order eligibility is 05 working days after the licensing agency receives the valid applications.

3. Record on fire fighting and prevention eligibility

The karaoke service provider is listed in Appendix No. 01 of Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP. Therefore, it must satisfy conditions on fire prevention and fighting and is issued a Record on fire fighting and prevention eligibility.

The applications comprise of:

  • A document request for inspection of safety conditions on fire prevention and fighting
  • A list of available fire prevention and fighting equipment; facilities and equipment for rescuing personnel
  • A decision on the establishment of a firefighter team enclosed with a list of persons who have been trained in fire prevention and fighting
  • A firefighting plan of the karaoke establishment and a firefighting plan of fire prevention and fighting police agency
  • Documents on the approval of design or on the inspection of fire prevention and fighting; a written commitment confirming that the project or the work has been examined, approved for design and accepted in fire prevention and fighting (if the karaoke establishment is listed in Appendix No. 04 of Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP).

We hope that the information, as shown above, could help you to understand more about the procedures for implementing the karaoke service business.

If you have any question or demand of more detailed information, please contact us via our email: or Hotline Call: (+84)086.888.1900 for timely advice and support from our lawyers.

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