Company providing labor export in the context of nCoV disease outbreak

What enterprises need to be concerned about when taking Vietnamese employees to go abroad for work during the COVID – 19 disease outbreak.

Facing the complicated situation of the new disease caused by COVID – 19, Ministries and State Bodies have issued mass regulations to contain and prevent the spread of COVID – 19 with safety and efficiency, especially measure of tightening immigration management as a priority. Therefore, taking Vietnamese employees to go abroad for work will be faced with difficulties and may be delayed. It causes the state of worry for enterprise and employee

What enterprises need to be concerned about when taking Vietnamese employees to go abroad for work during the COVID – 19 disease outbreak? This is a common question concerned by many enterprises. Bizlawyer will counsel on legal aspects relating to taking Vietnamese employee to go abroad for work

According to Direction No.05/CT-TTg dated on 28/01/2020, Prime Minister – Nguyen Xuan Phuc requires the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs to have responsibility for “not organizing activities for taking Vietnamese employee to areas where COVID-19 are taking place”

Besides, Telegram No. 01/CD-BLDTBXH in 2020 on taking strong measure of prevention and control to contain the new disease caused by new type of Coronavirus issued by the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs provides that “Department of Oversea Labor must review and hold on the number of Vietnam employees working in the countries where COVID-19 is taking place, advise enterprise on temporarily deferring exit time for Vietnam employee going to work in the country that COVID – 19 is taking place; in necessary case, employee must be warned to be proactive in taking measures to prevent nCoV epidemic and strictly complying with medical requirement of Vietnam State Bodies and the countries where employee arrives

In addition, Direction No.06/CT-TTg in 2020 issued by Prime Minister specifies that “Ministries, branches, and localities shall strictly control movement of people at all border gates, suspend activities of transporting tourists, not take Vietnamese employee to China for work, strengthen supervision of Chinese citizens who live and work in Vietnam return home for Lunar New Year and come back Vietnam for work, closely monitor suspected cases of infection within 14 days, timely quarantine, monitor, and treat infected cases, and carry out disinfection of suspected disease spots as prescribed”

According to the Direction of Prime Minister and the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs on taking Vietnam employees to go abroad for work, enterprises need to take the following contents into consideration

  • Deferring time for exit from Vietnam, especially not taking Vietnam employee to go to China – the center of the epidemic, or other areas where COVID – 19 is taking place;
  • Searching and studying policies and regulations of labor importing countries to draw up best-laid for employees; and
  • In cases where the exit is necessary, enterprises must warn employees to be proactive in taking measures to prevent the disease and strictly comply with the medical requirement of Vietnam State Bodies and of labor importing countries.

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