Registration/Notification of sales promotion
01. Conditions for application 
Promotion activities required to registration or notification to authority:
1. Sale of goods or provision of services together with participation by customers in promotional games of chance
2. Goods or service sales promotion with the use of the Internet, electronic media or information technologies
3. Organizing customers to participate in cultural, arts, entertainment and other events for promotional purposes.
4. Gifting of goods or services
5. Discount
6. Sale of goods or provision of services together with coupons
7. Sale of goods or provision of services together with promotional contest entry form for selecting the prize winner according to rules and prizes already announced
8. Organization of frequent customer programs
Exception for registration/notification:
1. Traders doing sales promotion prescribed in Clause 1 in this Article of which the total prizes or gifts are valued under VND 100 million;
2. Traders selling goods and doing sales promotion via e-commerce website or promotional online website
02. Applicable laws 
Decree No. 81/2018/NĐ-CP
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare
- A notification for sales promotion
Step 2: Submit the file to one of the following authority 03 business working days before the promotion is implemented to Department of Industry and Trading, except for cases where the Ministry of Trade and Industry has the competence for promotional games of chance conducted in localities of 2 or more provinces and centrally-affiliated cities and other types of promotional games of chance
Step 3: Receive confirmation from the authority