Procedure for termination of operation of investment project
01. Conditions for application 
An investment project shall be terminated in the following cases:
1. Where the investor makes the decision terminating the operation of the project;
2. On the conditions for termination of operation prescribed in the contract or the charter of the
enterprise; or
3. Upon expiry of the operational duration of the investment project.
02. Applicable laws 
1. Investment Law 2014
2. Decree No. 118/2015/NĐ-CP
3. Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHĐT
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare a set of the following documents
In case the investment project is terminated at the investor’s decision:
1. A decision on termination of operation of the investment project; and
2. The investment Registration Certificate (if any).
In case the investment project is terminated under conditions for termination of operation prescribed in the contract or the charter of the enterprise, or upon expiry of its operational duration
1. A notification by the investor;
2. The investment Registration Certificate (if any); and
3. A copy of proof of termination of operation of the investment project such as charter, contract or decision of the investor.
Step 2: Submit the file to
1. Province-level Department of Planning and Investment (“DPI”); or
2. Management Board of industrial park, processing zone or high-tech park (“Management Board”) (if the investment project is located within these areas)
Step 3: The DPI or Management Board shall receive the file and record the termination of operation of the investment project