Procedure for replacing Investment Registration Certificate for projects operating under Investment Certificate, Investment License or other equivalent documents
01. Conditions for application 
If an investor is implementating a project under an Investment License, an Investment Certificate, an Investment Incentives Certificate, or another equivalent document which are granted before the effective date of the 2014 Investment Law, such investor can apply for a replacement Investment Registration Certificate under the 2014 Investment Law.
02. Applicable laws 
1. 2014 Investment Law
2. Decree No.118/2015/NĐ-CP
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare a set of following documents
1. Written request to a replacement Investment Registration Certificate; and
2. Copy of Investment License, Investment Certificate, Investment Incentives Certificate or equivalent documents
Step 2: Submit the file to province-level Department of Planning and Investment (“DPI”)
Step 3: Check the validity of the file
The DPI shall receive and check the file. If the file is valid and sufficient, the DPI shall grant a written receipt. If the file is not valid and/or not sufficient, the DPI shall guide the applicant for amendment to and supplementation of such file.
Step 4: Get result
The DPI shall, within 03 working days from the date of receipt valid and sufficient file, grant an Investment Registration Certificate to investor.