Procedure for establishment of cooperative
01. Conditions for application 
A cooperative shall be issued a registration certificate if it satisfies the following conditions:
1. Its business lines are not prohibited
2. It has valid registration applications
3. It has been named under the laws
4. It is located in place under the laws
02. Applicable laws 
1. 2012 Cooperative Law
2. Decree No. 193/2013/ND-CP
3. Decree No. 107/2017/ND-CP
4. Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BKHDT and Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BKHDT
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare applications
1. Request for registration of cooperative or union of cooperatives
2. Charter
3. Business plan
4. List of members, board of directors, directors, inspectors.
5. Resolution of founding conference
Step 2: Submit the applications
Authorized person of the cooperative shall submit the applications to the business registration authority of District-level People’s Committee where the cooperative is situated. The authority shall check the applications, request the applicant to make a copy of its identity card, and make a receipt.
Step 3: Get result
The business registration authority shall, within 05 working days from the date of receipt of valid applications, issue a certificate of business registration of cooperative.