Procedure for amendment of license for international tours service
01. Conditions for application 
A company must amend its license of tours service when it
1. Changes its Investment Registration Certificate or Enterprise Registration Certificate
2. Changes its scope of service for international tours
02. Applicable laws 
1. Tourism Law 2017
2. Decree No. 168/2017/NĐ-CP
3. Circular No. 06/2017/TT-BVHTTDL
03. Procedure 
Step 1: If the company changes its scope of tour services, it must keep a deposit corresponding to the amended tours service particularly as follows:
a) Travel service for foreign tourist to Vietnam: VND 250 million
b) Travel service for tourists travelling abroad: VND 500 million
c) Travel service for foreign tourist to Vietnam and for tourists travelling abroad: VND 500 million
Step 2: Prepare a set of the following documents
1. A written request for amending the license of international tour service;
2. The original license of international tour service of the company;
3. A copy of Enterprise registration certificate (“ERC”) or Investment registration certificate (“IRC”) which is certified by a notary office if the ERC or IRC is amended;
4. A copy of the certificate of deposit for tours service corresponding the scope of amended service.
Step 3: Submit the file to Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (“VNAT”)
Step 4: The VNAT, within 05 working days from the date of receipt of valid file, grant an amended license of international tours service to the company. In case of refusal, it must notify the company in writing and specify the reason therefor.