Procedure for amendment of investment project under the effective decision or judgement of a court or arbitration body
01. Conditions for application 
Applicable to investment projects which must be amended under the effective decision or judgement of a court or arbitration body, an investor shall, on the basis of such decision or judgement, amend, receive and continue to implement the investment project.
02. Applicable laws 
1. Investment Law 2014
2. Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP
3. Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHDT
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare a set of the following documents
- Written application for amendment of the investment project;
- Copy of the people’s identity card, ID card or passport in the case of an investor being an individual, or copy of the enterprise registration certificate or another document of equivalent legal validity certifying the legal status in the case of an investor being an organization; and
- (c) Legally effective judgement or decision of the court or arbitration body.
Step 2: Submit the file to
1. Province-level Department of Planning and Investment (“DPI”); or
2. Management Board of industrial park, processing zone or high-tech park (“Management Board”) (if the investment company is located within these areas)
Step 3: The DPI or Management Board shall, within 15 days from the date of receipt of valid file, grant an amended Investment Registration Certificate