Conditions on transportation business by auto
01. Conditions for application 
Transport business by auto is the use of auto to transport goods or passengers on road for profits; includes transport business with direct and indirect money collection. Company doing this business must obtain Permit of passenger transport business.
02. Applicable laws 
1. Decree No. 86/2014/NĐ-CP
2. Circular No. 63/2014/TT-BGTVT
03. Procedure 
Step 1: Prepare a set of the following documents
1. Application for issue of business Permit under the form defined by the Ministry of Transport;
2. Certified copy (or copy attached to the original for comparison) of the business registration Certificate;
3. Certified copy (or copy attached to the original for comparison) of the diploma or certificate of the person directly operating the transport;
4. Transport business plan by autos as prescribed by the Ministry of Transport;
5. Establishment Decision and regulations on functions and duties of the management division; monitoring of conditions on traffic safety (for enterprises and cooperatives doing business of passenger transport along fixed route, transport of passenger by bus, taxi and transport of goods in containers);
6. Registration for quality of transport services (for enterprises and cooperatives doing business of passenger transport along fixed routes, transport of passenger by bus or taxi).
Step 2: Submit the file at Department of Transport where the company is headquartered.
Step 3: In case the file needs modification or supplementation, the Department will inform directly or in writing of the contents to be supplemented or modified to the company unit within 03 working days after the receipt of the file.
Step 4: Within 05 working days, after the receipt of file in accordance with regulations, the Department will verify dossier and issue the business Permit and approve the attached business Plan. In case of failure to issue the business Permit, the Department will reply in writing stating the reasons.