
Enterprise registration

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Registration of public company

01. Conditions for application

1. A public company is a joint-stock company that:
a/ Has already conducted the public offering of its stocks;
b/ Has its stocks listed at the Stock Exchange or the Securities Trading Center; or,
c/ Has its stocks owned by at least one hundred investors, excluding professional securities investors, and has a contributed charter capital of VND 10 billion or more.

02. Applicable laws

1. Law on Securities 2006
2. Decree No. 58/2012/ND-CP

03. Procedure

Step 1: Prepare the following applications

A joint-stock company, if qualified to a public company, shall submit the applications to the State Securities Commission. The Commission shall check the validity of the applications and require supplementation or amendment (if any).

Step 3: Get results

The State Securities Commission shall send written approval to the public to the company, announce the name, business content and other information related to the public company on the media of the State Securities Commission


04. Processing Time 07 working days

05. Service fee VND 35 million

Register Service